Sunday, June 03, 2007


Justice: the quality of being just or fair.
This week I got two petition e-mails collecting signatures. I normally delete them, as most do nothing but collect addresses so you can get bombarded with spam.

However, those two seemed genuine and I actually read them: one was, apparently, from Madeleine McCann's uncle asking for word to be passed on around Europe after her disappearance about a month ago; it has been all over the news.

The other shocked me more and more as I read through it: it described the child abuse situation in South Africa, and it spared no details.
As I tried to find out more about it -I was quite ignorant of its proportions, I found virtually nothing. I searched the BBC and the CNN websites, among others, and nada.

My internal alert of INJUSTICE sounded very loudly.

The differences

Madeleine MacCann is very pretty, has a good life, comes from a wealthy family.
The poor thing has been a victim of neglectful, reckless, careless parents who left her alone and unattended at home while enjoying some good Portuguese food and wine at a restaurant next door. I do not need to mention that the guilt they carry must be unbearable, and the disappearance of their gorgeous little girl must be punishment enough.
It has been all over the news: her parents go to Spain; her parents meet the Pope; children from Glasgow show support fro Madeleine; Madeleine reward rises, etc.

It's wonderful to see how people all over Europe are showing their support. My heart goes out to her, and I really hope the little princess is okay, bless her.

I don't know this little girl's name. All I know is that she's from South Africa, and that she is obviously sad and ill-fated. I don't know whether she has a family; her picture is not all over the news.
All I know is that in her country, 43 nameless children like her
are daily being raped, abused and killed. The statistics are frightening and the stories are truly horrific: only 95% of child rapists are convicted and the vast majority of them are repeat offenders. Yet, we are kept virtually ignorant of it all.
We do not show outrage, anger, support. The world turns a blind eye to it.

What could be done in SA with 2.5 million pounds to help these children?

We live in a sick, unfair world.

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